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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper  CNN  September 15, 2019 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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generational divide. the top 2020 democrats meet on the same stage. >> i'm getting more and more comfortable with the way the debates are moving. >> i'm going to make the differences clear. >> did the debate raise new questions about the front-runners? >> it is a competition. it is supposed to be competitive. >> i'll speak to candidate mayor pete buttigieg next. and will they act? while americans worry about the next mass shooting, president trump once again considers new gun legislation. >> i can speak for republicans, they like to do something. >> is that true? republican senator rand paul joins me exclusively next. plus show me the money.
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to demonstrate a policy of a universal basic income, andrew wang is sending cash to ten american families. how would his proposals affect your pocketbook. >> $1,000 a month makes us strongier, healthier and less stressed out. >> andrew wang is here for an exclusive interview here in moments. hello, i'm jake tapper in washington where the state of the union is watching the fallout. the democratic candidates are back on the campaign trail after a debate that seemed unlikely to knock the three front-runners out. leading in the polls, joe biden is facing renewed personal scrutiny after his sharpness and vigor and pledged to release his medical records before any votes are cast. this after former housing secretary julian castro appeared to question his mind and memory and perhaps the most consequential exchange of the debate castro said his comments
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were not meant as veiled attacks on biden's age, 76, but the moment created an opening for other candidates to take on the sensitive topic and in the wake of the debate we're learning that castro is now losing one of his three congressional endorsement, vicente gonzalez of texas told me he's pulling his endorsement from castro and giving it to vice president joe biden. gonzalez said it is time for democrats to narrow the field. >> well, i think at this point in time we need to narrow the field and unite as democrats to defeat trump in november 2020. and that is why i believe i'm moving my support to vice president joe biden. >> we're going to air more of that interview later this hour. joining me now, democratic presidential candidate south bend mayor pete buttigieg. mayor buttigieg thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> good to be with you. >> i want to start on health care. you know that key moment between vice president castro -- vice
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president biden and julian castro and whether their plans would enroll anyone. you support medicare for all who want it but you have not released a full detailed plan explaining it. would anyone be automatically enrolled under your proposal if they lost their insurance because they lost a job or any other reason. >> yes. and you'll see more on that in the forthcoming plan. we need to have a vision to make sure everybody is covered. my vision of medicare for all who want it versus the sanders/warren is i think we cannot order the public on the alternative. that medicare for all who want it is better than all of the private plans i just trust the american people to make that decision for themselves and vote with their feet rather than ordering them to switch plans when they don't want to. >> when are you going to release the medicare for all who want it plan? >> soon. >> soon? a week or month. >> i don't have a date for you. >> what do you make of the criticism of people like you or others who don't support embracing medicare for all from
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people like bernie sanders or elizabeth warren who say you're ignoring the biggest problem which is we spend all money on health insurance, more than any other industrialized country because the insurance industry is out for profits, not more making people better. >> that is just the point. so if a private plan just can't be as cost-effective because the profits are being sucked out of it, then the public plan is better. if it is better and we give people that choice, people will choose it. if they're that confident in the superiority of the public plan why would they find it necessary to command americans to adopt it instead of just putting it out there. it is a difference in the extent to which we trust people. i do believe we have to look at more than just making that available to them. so the other big issue right now is affordability. and we have to make sure we're addressing that, whether it is prescription drugs, or the health care system overall and as you see our plans continue to unfold. you'll see a lot on that too. >> let's turn to guns. your fellow candidate -- fellow
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20 candidate beto o'rourke raised eyebrows by saying, hell yes, we're going to take your ar-15 and ak-47 and chris coons of delaware responded by saying this, quote, that clip will be played for years at second amendment rallies with organizations trying to scare people by saying democrats are coming for your guns. do you agree? did beto o'rourke say something that is playing in the hands of republicans? >> yes. look, right now we have an amazing moment on our hands. we have agreement among the american people not just for universal backgrounds checks but we have a majority in favor of red flag laws, high-capacity magazines, banning the new sale of assault weapons. this is a golden moment to finally do something. because we've been argue being this for as long as i've been alive. when even this president and even mitch mcconnell at least are pretending to be open to reforms, we know we have a moment on our hands. let's make the most of it and get these things done. >> i want to ask about afghanistan because during the debate on thursday night you
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said, quote, if there is one thing we've learned from afghanistan, it is that the best way not to be caught up in endless war is to avoid starting one in the first place. you said that is the one -- if there is one thing to be learned from afghanistan. do you think that the united states started the war in afghanistan? >> no, of course not. we went into war in afghanistan because we were attacked. what i'm saying is one lesson from just how endless that conflict has been is how hard it is to end a war, any war, in the 21st century and we need to bear that in mind when you see things going on like what is happening with iran right now. that could lead to a new conflict breaking out. september 15th is a very important day in my life, that is the day i left afghanistan. that was five years ago. i thought i was one of the very last troops turning out the lights. we're still there. and we're still arguing about how to get out. >> three of your opponents running for president now are expressing concerns about joe biden's sharpness and his ability. take a listen. >> are you forgetting what you
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said two minutes ago? are you forgetting already what you said just two minutes ago? >> there is a lot of meme who are concerned about joe biden's ability to carry the ball all the way across the end line without fumbling. there are definitely moments when you listen to joe biden and you just wonder -- >> congressman tim ryan told a reporter that biden was, quote, declining and didn't have the energy to win. we should point out that booker and castro has since tried to walk the comments back suggesting they weren't talking about his sharpness but do you share any of these concerns? >> i think i trust voters to figure that out. look, as the youngest candidate in the field i'm obviously a believer in the power of generational change. i also believe that a candidate at any age, depending on who they are, can be a great president. but we have to talk about right now is vision. my concern about the vision from the sanders/warren approach is it could polarize americans when we have other solutions without dividing the american people further. my difference with the vice
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president is that i also don't think that promises that we'll go back to normal is a message to hit people well, certainly where i come from in the industrial midwest. there are people who voted for the kurpt president not because they think he's a good guy but because normal wasn't working for them and they were ready to vote to burn the house down. if all we have to offer is let's dial it back and go back to what we were doing, if it feels like we're looking to the past, i think that message will come up short when we get to election day. >> a senior obama-biden administration official told me, quote, biden's strength has never been his clarity of message or delivery but watching his long-winding answers that don't make sense in recent debates has raised the question as to whether that has gotten worse and whether he is up for this. this is your front-runner. this is the person that as of right now has the best chance according to polls of becoming the nominee. you don't have any concerns you're willing to voice? >> the front-runner in september before an election year is
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almost never the nominee. this is a moment when people are evaluating decisions and the field is finally winnowing and we should be able to compete on our own message. i should not have to poke personal holes in anybody else in order for my message to get through and to be convincing if i want to win and if i deserve to win. >> well let's talk about the substance of one of the things that vice president biden said at the debate when asked about the legacy of slavery and he suggested using a record player at home for minorities to teach them how to be better parents to be part of the equation. take a listen. >> we bring social workers into homes with parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. it is not they don't want to help. they don't know quite what to do. play the radio. make sure that the television -- excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night. the phone -- make sure that kids hear words. >> i saw a lot of people, a lot of progressives and prominent african-american commentators talking about the substance of
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that answer and being horrified if not -- as well as offended. what is your response to it. >> it was a well-intentioned answer and it is a bad answer. the reason we're seeing racial inequity in this country is it was put into place on purpose. and i'm not just talking abo about -- slavery beginning 400 years ago, i'm talking about policy decisions within living memory excluding black americans from fully accessing the gi bill to labor protections. these have consequences. the vp is interested in -- i think he was trying to get at the issue of how many words infants hear as children. interesting issue. there is a much bigger picture here. and it has to do with inheritance and the wealth gap and the fact if you are black in this country as a consequence of systemic racism, you start out with less. in the same way that if you save a dollar, it compounds over the years and becomes more and more. same is true of a dollar stolen.
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and that is happened to black americans through generations. it is why i've proposed a douglas plan. as ambitious as the marshal plan that rebuilt europe but this time we have to invest right here in america. criminal justice reform is important but that is not all there is to the black experience in this country. we have to be lifting up black entrepreneurs, making sure that federal texas spending and i propose a 25% target is going to businesses owned by those who have been systematically disadvantaged in the past and investing in hcbu's training what could be the new class of black millionaires and of black middle class of professionals in education, law enforcement, medicine. we need systemic answers to deal with this issue and we need to confront the legacy of discrimination. >> mayor pete buttigieg. thank you for your time. good luck on the campaign trail. a top republican called senator rand paul a big loser on twitter this weerk. at least it wasn't president trump. senator paul will join me next.
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stay with us. and 2020 candidate andrew wang is about to give ten families $12,000 each. i'll talk with him about that plan coming up. i switched to miralax for my constipation. stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate the nerves in your colon. miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. and it doesn't cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. miralax. look for the pink cap.
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a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! welcome back to "state of
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the union." i'm jake tapper. president trump didn't even take part in the nastiest political fight on twitter this week when senator rand paul of kentucky criticized liz cheney of wyoming over her support for, quote, endless wars. and accused her of not being supportive of president trump's goal of pulling troops out of afghanistan and cheney tweeted back called paul's big loser whose motto is terrorist first. and joining me now senator rand paul. senator, good to see you. you're the author of an upcoming book, "the case against socialism" that comes out next month. congratulations on that. we'll have you back to talk about it. i want to start with this feud between you and congresswoman cheney because i assume you think this is about more and about something more important than just two members of congress bickering. >> yeah, i think this is a big issue. whether or not we should stay in afghanistan. i can't meet a general that could clearly tell me what our national security interest is in afghanistan.
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most of the military, over 60% of the military who served in iraq or afghanistan think both of the wars should come to an end so i think the president is right to do this but we have to call out the republicans preventing him. this is the bolton/cheney wing. dick cheney to this day still thinks the iraq war as a good thing. the iraq war president trump said was the biggest geopolitical blunder of the last generation and destabilized the middle east and increased the strength of iran and tipped the balance toward iran and dick cheney, liz cheney and john bolton are still advocating for more regime change in the middle east. >> the back and forth between you and liz cheney went even further when you took the fight to her home turf. you called into a wyoming tv station, let me ask you, there is an open senate seat in wyoming next year and people are talking about cheney running. would you prefer a different republican fill that senate seat? >> well one of the reasons we called into wyoming is there are
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two state representatives who wrote an op-ed that we ended up re-tweeting and sending about and in the op-ed they criticized liz cheney for always criticizing the president when he wants people to pay more at nato and less troops overseas or less war. liz cheney criticized him every time. that is the main reason for calling in. but, yes, there is a senate race and i'm supporting cynthia loomis who is a conservative congressman. that is the only person i know of in the race at this point. >> houthi rebels took credit for a drone attack on saudi arabia royal facilities temporary wiping out half of the saudi arabia oil production escalating a conflict in the region. secretary of state mike pompeo blamed iran and lindsey graham tweeted, quote, it is now time for the u.s. to put on the table an attack on iranian oil refineries if they continue their provocations or increase nuclear enrichment. your response to graham and
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pompeo. >> i think an escalation of the war is a big mistake. this is from the em -- the yemeni civil war and the houthis are supported by the iranians so it is back and forth but the answer is trying to have a negotiated ceasefire and peace in yemen and bombing iran won't do that. and iran's military spending is about $17 billion. saudi arabia spends about $83 billion. the gulf sheikhdoms around saudi arabia spend another $50 billion and so really the saudis and allies dwarf the spending of iran and this is a regional conflict there is no reason the super-power of the united states needs to get into bombing mainland iran. it would be a needless escalation of this and those who love the iraq war, the cheneys, the boltons, the kristols, they are clamoring for
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another war in iran and it is not a walk in the park and you have to tell that to the 4,000 or so soldiers who died in iraq that -- are we going to send more to their deaths in iran for something that in the end when you topple the regimes you get more chaos and terrorism and not less. >> let's turn to domestic policy. yesterday was, quote, guns and god's day, a day dedicated to gun rights and christian principles and opposes any any restrictions on guns and their touting of your effort saying we encourage participants to be prayerful about returning our nation to god as the only solution of the hatred and mass murder plaguing our blessed nation, unquote. do you believe that returning our nation to god, no change in policy, is the only solution, the only way to stop mass shootings in the u.s.? >> no, i think part of the problem is culture and losing the sense of right and wrong. that is not the only answer. i think we should do something
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and look at each of the killings and say what went wrong and the consistent theme here is not always but white teenage boys in the middle teenage years to mid-20s but the other consistency in the shootings, almost every one is sending off signals, many of them are committing crimes that we sluff off and we're not prosecuting. the boy in parkland was said to have committed 23 crimes. the sheriff down there is more interested in talking about gun control than doing his job. he should have arrested this boy at the school. he wasn't allowed to bring a backpack in because they suspected he might bring in weapons to shoot people. he should have been prosecuted for terroristic threatening. we need to prosecute these boys or whoever they are beforehand and typically i think this can be done. we're letting down -- do you remember the orlando shooting that was so horrific. a gun store owner turned the guy in. the fbi went to the gun store, and the fbi nevered at t-- neve looked at the footage in the store, the surveillance camera
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they would find out he was investigated by 14 months for the fbi and we might have saved lives and let's look for the answer and try to do something to prevent the shootings. >> so let me ask you, there are people in the senate right now, republicans and democrats, talking about a red flag law which would encourage states to pass laws that allow judges and others, family members, to take away somebody's guns after an adjudication process of some sort. would you support that? would you support expanding background checks? >> we don't know yet what is coming forward. i can tell you it will have to be consistent with the constitution. almost all crime is ajute cade the at the state level, murder and theft and so 99% of the crime is in the state courts so it is under the purview of the state legislation. i think the 18 states need to look at what is on the book and enforce it. the thing that we could do at
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the federal level and this is a federal crime, when a felon goes in to buy a gun, 12,000 felons tried to buy a gun with the last statistics and were caught and didn't get a gun but we didn't get a prosecution. and if we know they are trying to buy guns, i think we prosecuted 12 out of 12,000 so there is legislation before the senate before and will probably come up again that i will support that says by all means we should do this. we should make the background checks work. two of the recent shootings sh the dylann roof and the shooting in the church in texas, both of them shouldn't have had guns. one was domestic abuse and the other was some other fel but they didn't get in the system. but the vast majority of the background checks wouldn't have helped. they are purchased legal by but every one of them -- i can't get it out of my head that the kids in parkland were immediately saying it is so and so.
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they knew his name before they knew he had done it and this is happening throughout. all of the kids are troubled and sending off significaals and committing crimes but if y-- if you do thing in advance an you have to keep that you are innocent until proven guilty and can't flip it and say you have to prove you're not a criminal. the government has to have the burden and due process and allowed a lawyer and the danger is they could say anybody that takes antidepressants can't have a gun or anybody that has been to a psychiatrist can't have a gun. there is a danger of going too far. that we are out there preemptively taking anyone's guns and it does alarm us when we hear beto o'rourke saying, yeah, they're going to come and knock the door down and take our guns. that scares the heck out of a lot of republicans and gun owners. >> sanders rand paul of kentucky, thank you so much for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. 2020 candidate andrew wang is responding to a racist slur from a newly-hired saturday night live comedian and why he
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said he doesn't want the comic to lose his job. that is next. at t-mobile, get unlimited talk, text and data with our most powerful signal ever- all for just $30 bucks a line for 4 lines. and for a limited time, get free smartphones too! get 4 new lines of unlimited and 4 free phones for just 30 bucks a line!
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welcome back to shough. i'm jake tapper. after the democratic debate this week entrepreneur andrew wang gained more twitter followers more than another candidate and perhaps that had something to do with a contest he announced on stage. he wanted to do for ten families what he proposes to do for all americans, paying them $1,000 a month freedom dividend. and joining me now to talk about this entrepreneur and 2020 presidential candidate andrew wang. thank you so much for joining me. and i appreciate it. i want to play some of the reactions from your fellow democratic candidates to your announcement. >> it's original. i'll give you that. >> i admire and frankly take joy
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in hearing people with innovative ideas and who are questioning status quo and willing to challenge it. >> it doesn't seem like your fellow 2020 democratic candidates are taking your proposal very seriously. what is your response? >> oh, well the freedom dividend is catching on like wildfire around the country because americans realize it is not about the money. i've been personally giving the freedom difld to several american families for months now and when i saw one of the recipient kyle christiansen in iowa a few weeks ago he told me he used the money to buy a guitar and playing shows locally and beaming. he said he was playing shows for the first time in years. for him it was a guitar. for jody fassy in new hampshire it was car repairs. for mallory shannon in florida it was going back to school. so americans are waking up to the fact that we can solve our own problems if we have a dividend that gives us some extra resources to do so. >> there has been a lot of debate about the legality of your proposal not -- not the
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proposal in terms of the larger freedom dividend if you become president but what you're doing as an individual candidate. larry noble, the former general council of the federal election commission told cnn that what you are proposing is not legal to give those ten families money from your campaign to use however they want but are you sure that you're on solid legal ground? >> yeah, we have an army of lawyers who have signed off on it. and we're sure this is perfectly legal. but i do want to reflect for a moment, jake, on the fact that if i gave a million dollars to media company or consultants or hired like a small army of canvassers nobody would blink an eye but if we give the money to a family, so it speaks how messed up our system where giving money to americans raises eyebrows. >> and let's talk about on campaign trail you warn that automation is going to result in catastrophic layoffs in the
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united states and some experts say your fears are overblown and point to the unemployment rate at a 50-year low and labor increases that have stagnated, not what you would expect to see if robots were indeed taking over. are you concerned that you might be overstating the threat of automation? >> well what is indisputable, jake, is manufacturing employment went down by 4 million over the last number of years and the vast majority was due to robots and automation. and it is also indisputable despite the headline labor rate we are at a multi-decade low of 63% and millions of americans have stopped participating in the work force which artificially makes that unemployment rate look better -- much better than it is in real life. >> i want to ask you about something that you tweeted about at length this weekend. one of the three new cast members for "saturday night live" a guy names shane gillis from meck ansberg, pennsylvania, he offers what i think corrects would call a half-heart add
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apology for having used racial slurs in his act specifically against asian-americans, including specifically against you. and you tweeted yesterday about what it feels like to be called horrific racial slurs and said you forgive the comedian and hope others can as well. as one of the most prominent asian-americans political figures did you feel any responsibility to try to preflect what others in the asian-american community are feeling or just speaking for yourself? >> well there is a number of reactions to my call for forgiving shane gillis and i've experienced a lot of anti-asian racism throughout my upbringing. and it hurts. it is something that is very real. and i do think anti-asian racial epithets are not taken as seriously as slurs against other groups. but at the same time, bigger picture, i believe that our country has become excessively
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punitive and vindictive about remarks that people find offensive or racist and that we need to try and move beyond that if we can, particularly in a case where the person is in this case to me like a comedian whose words should be take nen a slightly different light. >> i've heard from asians americans and i'm sure you have too, that your joking references to being asian american, how you know math and a lot of doctors, feed into stereotypes and they recent that as well, while it is not the same level as what that comedian is accused of doing. what are your feelings on that? >> well the asian-american community is very diverse. and certainly i would never claim that my individual experience would speak to the depth and breadth of our community. at the same time, i think americans are very smart. and they can actually see right through that kind of myth and if anything by poking fun at it i'm
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making americans reflect a little bit more on them. >> governor beganive newsom might sign a bill to allow college athletes to sign endorsement and earn money on their likeness. if you are president would you push for a similar bill at national level. >> i 100% will. i'm happy gavin is leading this on. to me it is immoral that institutions are profiting to the hundreds of millions of dollars and aing the athletes are ma'am atures and can't receive a sign or get money for their likeness being usedond video games and we need to own up to the fact that many of these athletes are massive revenue generators for the institutions and start compensating them accordingly. >> andrew wang, thank you so much for joining us. >> i know it is overdue. but i appreciate it. julian castro is taking heat
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for criticizing joe biden on the debate stage and now a endorser has had a changer of heart and rescinding his endorsement of castro. that is next. cramped and uncomfortable. we can arrange a little upgrade. which is why i wear skechers... wide fit shoes. they have extra room throughout. they're like a luxury ride for my feet. try skechers wide fit shoes.
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if your polling in the low single-digits and you're not raising any resources, and your fracturing your party and getting supporters to be upset at other candidates, it certainly can't be a good thing
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for our party. >> that is texas congressman advi vicente gonzalez who told me minutes ago he is pulling his endorsement of julian castro and deciding instead to back vice president joe biden. let's talk about this with our team of experts. governor granholm, you helped bie biedsen -- biden with debate prep and it resulted in this, i think, of congressman gonzalez saying that he's pulling his endorsement from castro and giving it to biden. >> well in fact i think 59 african-american state legislators last week endorsed biden. today, this morning, he is giving a speech at the 16th street baptist church, it may happen close to right now, where he's going to draw a line directly from slavery to that bombing, that bombing by the way for those who need to be reminded it was for little girls
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killed as they were pulling on their church robes, this is the 56th anniversary of it by sticks of dynamite. so drawing a line from slavery to that to mother emanuel church to today and saying that, yes, we need to face up to the fact that that 400-year history of slavery needs to be addressed through policy. he should have said that at the debate. he did not. granted. but he has got policy that addresses that. and i know -- i know aisha talked about this and i want to give her a chance to say what she's going to say before i respond. >> and we'll get to that but i want to read from the castro campaign which reads in response to gonzalez, congressman gonzalez is entitled to endorse whichever candidate he feels represents his values. what do you think? >> on the endorsement thing, this will happen.
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it happened to me. and it happens to candidates sitting in the single-digits. there is pressure to narrow the field and rally behind the guy that is ahead. and i think that is part of what is happening. on the issue that jennifer is talking about, there is a big difference between joe biden being scripted and able to say the right things for the masses at this time and then you see him when he gets off on his ran -- his rants on a regular basis and you see what is in his heart. >> no, no. >> and that contrast will cause big problem. >> and i want to bring in aisha because he received criticism for a response when he was asked about lindsey davis by abc news about the legacy of slavery. i think it is fair to call it a rambling answer and here is part of it that really rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. >> we bring social workers into homes and parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. it is not they don't want to
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help. they don't -- they don't know quite what to do. play the radio. make sure that the television -- excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night. the phone -- make sure that kids hear words. >> rolling stone columnist jamil smith wrote, he is saying things at a democratic debate on an hbcu campus, no less, historically black college, that make it absolutely impossible to trust biden to be the party's best candidate to address systemic racism. what is your response? >> my friend jamil nailed it. i believe joe biden is a good man and his heart is pure. but the problem is that he is a white man of a certain era in this country. he served with segregationists who he revered and comes from a school of thought frankly served with moynahan who wrote a report that suggested that what is wrong with black people and black communities has everything to do with them. as opposed to the systemic challenges and frankly structural racism creating the
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poverty and disenfranchised and suppressed black people since the beginning of time. i think it is rich that today he's having a conversation to connect the dots with slavery and the church shooting. when, in fact, it doesn't seem he has a real deep grasp on the structural racism in this country and how even his own policies from mass incarceration is one that we could tart off talking about, his views on busing that he still doesn't seem to be able to understand how that impacts people socially and other wise and the outcomes that black americans are experiencing right now that it seems to me that he constantly makes these gaffes which are out of touch with where we are today because he comes from an era of this, like, racist paternalism in public policy making of how we have looked at dealing with the issues that the black community faces which frankly come from racist public policy making. >> but he said he has evolved. he said he made statements 40 years ago that he would not make
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today. and, in fact, his policies today are about addressing those structural issues. making sure that there is more investment in african-american and women-owned businesses to decrease the wealth grab. eliminating -- or totally reforming criminal justice so that you don't have private prisons making a profit off of people being incarcerated. eliminating for good the disparity between crack and between powder cocaine. supporting the -- >> but given thought that he is -- that is the problem. he was asked 40 years ago and said i don't have any responsibility but what my father and what my grandfather did. and he doubled down on this. he said i had no responsibility for what they did. >> again, that was so many years ago and he's apologized for that. >> but here is -- what i want to ask you, bill, it does seem like even though biden is polling really, really well with african-american voters, that is where the strength of his front-runner status is, especially in places like south carolina, it does seem like i'm hearing echoes of super-predator
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when hillary clinton called young men super-predators and that came back and it was a mienl issue in the general elector or in the primaries but it hurt her when it came to black turnout in november. >> could be. it is hard to judge. i think watching pete buttigieg this morning with you, i think it wouldn't be crazy for the democrats to allow into the finals someone under the age of 70. and they're both interesting, attractive candidates and i do think there is a big argument for generational change and it would be nuts to end up with all due respect to joe biden and bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and a 76 and 77 and 78-year-old for the young three for the change oriented democratic party. >> we have a good field but let me say about joe biden's -- >> just not the favorites. >> do we really believe that a guy -- that a man with a good heart and good policies is somehow not acceptable when we are facing a man who lies 13,000
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times so far -- seven lies per day and has policies that are poisonous for the communities we're talking about. >> so the problem that i have with this is i'm not here to race to the bottom. >> it is not a race to the bottom. >> the competition of the lowest common denominator is trump and anybody has a better record than donald trump. in fact,' puppy at this point is better than donald trump. >> true. >> the debate you're hearing is the real risk for joe biden. he's ahead because of black voters. that is why he's there. and you're hearing an element of the black community saying he's unacceptable to us. the question is, is that going to permeate through the rest of the community or is there a divide in the black community. >> well there is a generational -- >> a generational divide and that older black voters in south carolina in particular will say, you know what, i don't buy what aisha is saying. >> don't agree with that point.
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>> i was at the congressional black caucus legislative gala last night and in the room were several candidates there, pete was there who you had on earlier and elizabeth warren was there and biden wasn't there. but there were several people there, kamala harris and cory booker, et cetera. as they are being announced i like to feel the energy in the room. there are like 2,000 people in this room. elizabeth warren got the largest applause from the crowd. now she doesn't have cbc endorsement so we're not suggesting she's in any way, shape or form supported by the cbc but the energy in the crowd that elizabeth got the biggest rousing applause, second was kamala harris. then later on i was -- me and a thousand other people were trying to get over to say hello, she also had the biggest crowd at her table. people were lined up trying to talk to elizabeth warren. i only bring that up to say polls say what they say but energy on the ground, the crowds >> thanks one and all, appreciate it. is your mother watching? why politicians on both sides of
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the aisle ought to be washing their mouths out with soap. that's the subject of this week's "state of the cartoonian," next. late the nerves in your colon. miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. and it doesn't cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. miralax. look for the pink cap.
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like me-ow. in today's politics, authenticity seems to be about four-letter words. that's the subject of this week's "state of the cartoonian." cursing has been in the news a lot this week. president trump tweeted about, quote, boring musician john legend's, quote, filthy mouth wife, model and television personality, chrissy teigen. >> those two things are true. don is boring, i do have a filthy mouth. >> you know, g-rated president trump, he of such delicate sensibilities. >> i fired his [ bleep ] so
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fast. they're trying to take you out with bull [ bleep ], okay? >> reporter: but the president is no longer alone in his salty talk. >> yes, this is [ bleep ]ed up. >> reporter: presidential candidate beto o'rourke has been dropping f-bombs to express his frustration with gun violence, a condition that seems to be aggravated by the presideence ov cameras. others are followed suit, steve bullock and tim ryan. >> yeah, i actually have to get [ bleep ] done. and the republicans need to quite frankly get their [ bleep ] together. >> reporter: things got so bad ahead of last week's debate in houston, the dnc had to warn the candidates not to curse on stage, lest they be fined by the fcc. perhaps the next debate should take place in south park. >> what the [ bleep ] is that? >> [ bleep ] you guys, i want to get out of here! >> fareed zakaria talks to former secretary of state condoleezza rice, next. stay with us. is that net carbs or total?...
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this is "gps: the global public square." welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. today on the show, tony blair and condoleezza rice. we'll start with the former prime minister of the united kingdom on the chaos caused by brexit and boris johnson. what really is going on and how will it end? also, what advice would he give to the leaders of his labor party? and condoleezza rice, the former secretary of


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